clipboardData 클립보드 제어

bResult = window.clipboardData.setData("Text",oSource.innerText);

clipboardData Object 

Provides access to predefined clipboard formats for use in editing operations.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the clipboardData object. Click a tab on the left to choose the type of member you want to view.

Method Description
clearData Removes one or more data formats from the clipboard through dataTransfer or clipboardData object.
getData Retrieves the data in the specified format from the clipboard through the dataTransfer or clipboardData objects.
setData Assigns data in a specified format to the dataTransfer or clipboardData object.


var bResult;
// Select the text to be cut. Trailing spaces in a text
// selection in cut events cause the Cut shortcut menu item to
// remain disabled.
function fnLoad() {
    var r = document.body.createTextRange();
// Enable the Cut shortcut menu item over the DIV. Cut is disabled by default.
// Once Cut is enabled, Internet Explorer automatically copies the data to the
// clipboard and removes the selected text from the document.
function fnBeforeCut() {
    event.returnValue = false;
//Assign data in text format to the window.clipboardData object.
//Display the result (Boolean) from the setData method in the input box below.
function fnCut(){
	event.returnValue = false;
	bResult = window.clipboardData.setData("Text",oSource.innerText);
	oSource.innerText = "";
	tText.innerText += bResult;
// Enable the Paste shortcut menu item over the DIV. Paste is disabled by default.
function fnBeforePaste() {
    event.returnValue = false;
// Cancel the returnValue in onpaste for the text input, which
// has a default behavior.
function fnPaste() {
    event.returnValue = false;
	oTarget.innerText = window.clipboardData.getData("Text");

	LINK="#000000" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#000000">

<DIV CLASS="clsSource" ID="oSource" onbeforecut="fnBeforeCut()" oncut="fnCut()">
	Select and cut this text
<DIV CLASS="clsTarget" ID="oTarget" onbeforepaste="fnBeforePaste()" onpaste="fnPaste()">
	Paste the Text Here

<SPAN CLASS="clsData">setData Result: </SPAN>
<INPUT CLASS="clsText" ID="tText" TYPE="text" READONLY VALUE="" SIZE="6" TABINDEX="-1">


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